
We are James and John we got married on the 21st of December 2024.

You will be able to upload pictures and videos from the wedding today for the next month. We want to see all your pictures capture the day. You are a photographers. You are a paparazzi. You are doing a photo shoot for hello magazine.

We don’t care if the pictures are outtakes as well that makes it more funnier so if you catch John picking his nose, take a picture

A page will come up shortly in the menus that allows you to upload your pictures. It will take you to an upload page. We’ve got tons of space just upload as much as you can.

the playlist is now available, please select wedding playlist from the menu above

Find out about the wedding and upload you photos

To upload pictures just click on the menu in the top corner if you are on a mobile and click upload then follow the links from there

If you need to contact us, please email using the button below